Leelanau Clean Water
Water Quality Monitoring
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The purpose of this website is to:
  • Educate the public about Water Quality of the Lakes, Rivers and Streams in Leelanau County. Specifically, for each body of water:
    • Locate on a map
    • Learn specific water quality status (Age, etc.)
    • Find which organization(s) monitor and manage water quality details
  • Provide a database for volunteers and scientists to store, retrieve and evaluate Water Quality Data for these bodies of water. Specifically:
    • Acccess data for Leelanau County water quality testing of lakes and streams
    • Compare data fory lake and stream testing
    • Set up a water monitoring program or test for a lake/stream or watershed
    • Choose a lab to analyze water samples
    • Identify a collection of macroinvertebrates
    • Consult with another organization about their monitoring program
    • Receive mentoring help with monitoring

How to use this Website - (Understanding the "Case")

The website organized around 3 major categories:
Sites:Locations where a specific measurement is taken by an organization
Measurements:   Water Quality indicators (chemicals, plants, animals, etc.) that are sampled periodically
Organizations: Associations, Conservancies, Government Agencies who are responsible for a specific body of water or watershed
A user can select any of the 3 categories to see the list of items it contains. Data may be collected at an intersection of the 3 categories producing a CASE of measurements. A case can be displayed in a table and sometimes in a graph thereby providing useful information. Important discoveries can be made when comparing data across multiple cases.